Retrograde the Future
Progress of Human Life

Focusing on six representative rivers in Tainan, each river from its source to the estuary is like a blood vessel, driving the circulation of water molecules and carbon atoms, and transporting various substances to the sea, including by-products of human activities. From left to right, these rivers are: Bazhang River, Jishui River, Jiangjun River, Zengwen River, Yanshui River, and Erren River. Rivers produce different waste materials depending on the lifestyles and industries in their basins. These wastes are carried downstream and often accumulate at the estuaries, where they meet the sea. Additionally, ocean currents bring different types of marine debris. Therefore, 1-3 representative objects from each estuary are selected to represent the debris accumulated on the coast. Midstream, the rivers present environmental events that have been the focus of attention over the past 20 years, represented through symbolic images.
CHAO Jui-kuang
A researcher with the Tainan Community University Environmental Group, specializing in photography, painting, theater lighting, and natural environment documentation, investigation, and educational promotion. Past involvements include Technical Director at the Huadeng Arts Center, theater lighting design and production, collecting old photos of Tainan residents, surveying ancient trees in Tainan, etc. Current focus areas include Taiwan’s waste issues, marine debris, coastal and climate issues, river conservation, tree protection, and safeguarding the natural ecological environment of Longqi Niupu.
240 x 700 x 100 cm
Wood (or discarded fishing ropes, cable ropes), printed images, processed waste materials, pigments